Monday 24 February 2014

Post-Production: Soundtrack of the thriller production

Post-Production: Soundtrack of the thriller production

Why are soundtracks important in thrillers?

Soundtracks are very important in thrillers as the soundtrack sets the mood and the atmosphere of the thriller. Also the soundtrack create tension and suspense in a scene the soundtrack in a particular scene is used just to create tension and suspense. The sound track is also very important as it chills the audience for example without sound a thriller is not very chilling however if a person closes their eyes in a thriller with the soundtrack and the sound affects the person can still visualise what is happening therefore soundtrack is very important in thrillers.

What effect does effective sound have on the audience?

An effective sound chills the audience in a particular scene and also an effective sound can control the way the audience feel for example leading up to an attack the soundtrack can pick up tempo making the audience feel very uneasy and their heart pumping where then attack is over the sound gradually fades out leaving the audience more comfortable and at ease.

What is the conventional soundtrack in a thriller?

The conventional soundtracks in thrillers are soundtracks themselves, diegetic sounds and non diegetic sounds.

Soundtracks are very conventional in thriller as they add an additional level  of drama, suspense and tension for the audience watching.

The diegetic sounds in thrillers are conventional as the sounds can be very chilling when they can be seen where the sound is coming from or on screen sound.

Non digetic is conventional as this is used to chill the audience as the audience cannot see where the sound is coming from which gives them a very chilling response.

The programme that i used to make my soundtrack was logic pro. I used this proggramme it had a varied sound for user to use such as the light turning of it also allowed us to finisy the sopound and import it into our thriller. to use and logic pro was compatible to final cut pro and it was easier to import our soundtrack to our thriller to final cut pro.

I created a soundtrck that is chilling and a soundtrack that is aerer, the soundtrack delivers the chosen feelings to the audience as the with the soundtrack the adience can still visualise and be chilled by the soundtrack. My inspiration for the soundtrack was from various thrillers and in particular the soundtrack from the thriller Chuckys Bride was one of the main inspirations to create a chilling soundtrack whihc can create chilling visualss for the audience.

The soundtrack in my thriller at first sounds very quiet and calm and it represent the reality that the antgonist is in, then the when the antagonist goes into his flashbacks the soundtrack picks up in volume and in pace to make a significant point that it is a flashback and the antagonist has alot pain during these flashbacks and the soundtrack interprets this pain.

The things that were effective about my thriller soundtrack was that my sound track created emotions within the audience and it was effective in chilling the audience. Also my soundtrack was effective as the audience could understand that the antagobnist was having flashbacks and the audience could understand that the antogonist was having a flashback that was effective.


I believe that my soundtrack has helped my production as the soundtrack has added another elemnt to my thriller as the soundtrack make my thriller much more chilling and creates alot of tension and without the soundtrack the audience would not have been made to feel that way.

With the soundtrack i believe that my thriller is more conventional as all thrillers have a soundtrack to make the audience feel a cretain way and my thriller has done that  with the soundtrack.

1 comment:

  1. Soundtrack
    Some good comments here Chloe on the soundtrack used for your production. You refer to films that have influenced your idea and states your choices well in terms of what response it provides within your narrative.

    To improve;
    -can you provide some more images of you using logic pro and show where sound is most evident in your work?
