Sunday 15 December 2013

Planning Production Paper Work

Production Paper Work

Production paper work is very important for our group when we go filming. The production paper work is vital to protect us group members if anything goes wrong during our filming and the paper work will ensure that we are covered.

This is the risk assessment paper work in the risk assessment all the possible hazards that will possible occur in our filming location had to be addressed and in the risk assessment it had to be addressed weather the risk was present a simple yes or no. After the the risk was present the severity of the risk had to be addressed and the severity options were the following Negotiable, Low risk, Moderate risk, Severe and very severe. After the severity was decided the likelyhood of the risk had to be chosen and the option for the likelyhood were Very unlikely, Unlikely, Possible, Likely and very likely. After the likelyhood and the severity the risk factor had to be decided where 5 was the highest risk and 1 was the lowest risk.

The next part of the risk assessment is to name the hazards and describe the hazard and how this hazard will be overcome.

The release and consent form is for the release for our group to go filming during the academy days and the consent form was to ensure that we could take the release days to film for our thriller.

This is the production schedule where it was a plan of where we would shot and what scene we would do in the allocated times. The production schedule is important as everyone in the group will know what to do and the exact times that the filming and productions should take place. Also the production schedule will be given to every group member and any external actors that we will have in our group.

This production paper work is for the location as we would be filming at a member of our groups house therefore we had to ensure that our team members parents and guardians were aware that the filming would be taking place at their house and what type of filming will be happening in their house.

 This paper work is for the location recce as this shows clearly where we will be filming and why it also was made so that the other external actors and member from our group could find there way to the location to act and star in our thriller.


The production paper work has taught our group many things such as that everyone that is involved in the group and external members have rights and responsibilities which need to followed and acknowledged. Also with the production work i have learnt that it is not as easy as just filming there are many micro elements to do before filming can begin.


  1. The evidence of paperwork you have created is good and has been filled out accurately, well done. Some of the content needs a little work. Make sure that someone in your group has this at all times.

    To improve;
    -what is the importance of the production schedule? Who gets a copy?
    -location release and client release are two different things. Can you find out what each is used for please and update your definitions
    -when you analyse the location, it is called a 'location recce'

  2. Miss i have improved the blog by describing who gets a copy of the production schedule and why it is important and the definition of the client release and location release and anaylised the location recce

  3. Good to see that you have made the changes. This post is much clearer and provides the evidence to show that you went went through a safe and well planned production.
