Tuesday 29 October 2013

Reasearch (Age Certificate)

Age Certificates

There are many age certificates that give a strong indication to the audience in what film they should watch and what age group is the film suitable to. However even with the age certificates in place by  the BBFC  there are still many people who chose to watch films which are not suitable to them, this is the audiences responsibility. Above the age certificates have done a very good job in ensuring that the audience do follow the age certificate and only watch the films that are suitable to the audience. The age certificates have made many parents and guardians aware of what their children should be protected from watching. The age certificates are very simple and they are easy to understand.

There are many different age groups and they are the following:

U (Universal) is a age certificate in a universal film it is possible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a universal film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. Universal films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror.

Despicable me is an example of an universal film as it is very child friendly film as there are not violence in the film and suitable for a child of four years and above.

PG which is parental guidense. This can be viewed anyone , but some scene may be unsuitable for young children. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A PG film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider weather the content may upset younger or more sensitive children.

Johnny English reborn is a PG age certificate film, as the film is suitable for young children as the film displays comedy and some mild violent scene which are suitable for young children.

A 15 content may have some controversial elements to it, but on the whole, there shouldn't be any discrimination, drugs may be touched upon, but not promoted, violence can be displayed cannot be dwell on injury and pain. There may be use of frequent bad language and nudity can be shown but only used where appropriate.

Taken 2 is a 15 age certificate as there are many violent scenes in the film and bad language is touched on.

The 12 category are awarded where the material is suitable, in general only for those aged 12 and over. Works classified at these categories may upset children under the age of 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for their children. The 12 category exist only for video works. No one younger than 12 many rent, buy or watch a 12 rated film.

Sherlock Homes is an example of a 12 age certificate film.

The 12A category exists only for cinema films. No one younger than 12 may watch a 12A film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult and films classified 12A are not recommended for a child a child below 12. An adult may take a younger child if their judgment about the film is right and they believe that the film is suitable for the infant that they will take. In such circumstances the responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view films with accompanying adult.

Spiderman 2 is a 12A age certificate film as there is mild violent scenes which will not be suitable for children under the age of 12.

At 18 the BBFC  guidelines concerns will not normally override the principles that the adults should be free to choose their own entertainment. The materials in a 18 film may touch on criminal law and display criminal offenses. There will be violent or dangerous acts also illegal drug use may be shown but should not cause harm to the public health or their morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or sexualised violence which might for example show erotic or endorse sexual assault. There also may be explicit images of sexual activity can be shown and bad language will be used in the film.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a 18 age certificate as there are many gruesome and violent scenes in the film.

Spiderman was a very controversial film and because the spider man film the age certificate 12A was introduced in 2002.

Spiderman originally had an age rating of 12 however later after further analysis from the BBFC it was seen as it was not suitable for a 12 year old to watch spiderman by themselves. The reason why the age certificate was though about again was that sipderman had excessive violent scenes in the film which can have a negative impact on children. In this short clip of sipderman it shows why sipderman's age rating had to be brought up to a 12A. It shows that violence is acceptable as Dr octopus puts many civilians lives at risk just to carry out his vendetta against spiderman. This shows the children that this level of violence is acceptable and civilians lives can be put at risk and the civilians lives are worthless as they can be used as objects when two people are fighting because they don't like what each other stands for.

The BBFC came up with the age certificate of 12A because the BBFC  knew that the children had grown up with the comical hero spiderman and the BBFC did not want to restrict or deprive the children of their hero so therefore the BBFC came up with the age certificate 12A. This allowed 12 year old and below to watch the film under adult supervision.

Thriller tend to get the age certificates 15 and 18 mostly. The reason why thrillers mostly get age certificates of 15 and 18 is that there is a lot of violence and graphic scenes. A thriller that is 15 will be a lighter thriller where there will be some bad language and nudity where appropriate. There will be violence and murder scene but the scene will not be dedicated to an attack and it will not show the slow and painful death the victim has deal with. A 18 thriller is much more detailed in its content which it shows there are violence scene which show graphic images and injuries. There are a lot of sexually motivated attacks shown and other sexual assaults. This is only suitable for 18 and over.

The age certificate that i will give my thriller is 15. My thriller i will give age rating of 15 as the thriller will not promote any discrimination, drug use or excessive violence. There will be violent scene but the violence scene and the pain and injuries will not be dwelled on for a lengthy period. My thriller will not be very explicit and i will do my best to make a traditional thriller which does not have anything that will confuse or conflict with the audience.


I have learnt that age certificates need to be followed by everyone because there are a wide range of films that the audience can enjoy within their ratings. Also i have learnt that age certificates are a good indication of what the film will be like for example if the film is a 18 then you will know that the film will have violence, graphic scenes and sexual violence. In my thriller i will give it the appropriate age certificate and i will take my time to give its rating to ensure that it is not the wrong rating which will lead to criticism.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Reasearch (Censorship)


The BBFC is the British board of film classification. The BBFC is a trusted media content which works independently to regulate and anaylise films if they are suitable for release to the audience in Britain under the correct age group or genre. The BBFC's role is to make sure that there is no film that is released for the people to watch that is dorrogative, promoting racial hatred and violence in society. The BBFC  has a role to protect the audience from films that will have a negative impact on society.

The BBFC's role is very simple and clear as the BBFC aim is to:
  • Protect the target audience and also the main target audience that the BBFC want to protect is the children. The BBFC want to protect the children as they don't want any content in film to harm the children and emotionally scare the audience which may affect children.
  • The BBFC wants to educate the parents and guardians of the children out there that like to watch film the parents should be educated in what they should allow their children to watch.
  • The BBFC wants to respond and adapt to the changing society and to gain a better understanding of the films that the audience want to watch today.
  • The BBFC wants to work well with the film industry in releasing film for the audience.

  • Lastly the BBFC wants to regulate films for the benefit of the target audience and they also keep in mind that they still want the audience to have a good experience in watching films and they want the audience to have a good range of films for them to watch.

The BBFC is important to the film industry as the BBFC tells the film producer what they need to edit for their film to be appropriate. This helps the film industry as the film producer will know what the audience expect and with the advice they will know if the film will be appealing to the audience. Also the BBFC show the film industry that they are the figure that the film producers need to go through in order to release of film and the film industry have a limit they cannot produce any film and release it there is a limit and the BBFC are there to enforce that limit.

What gets censored in films:

Violence is a very common topic which is censored in films. Violence is censored in films as the BBFC and many people do not like too much violence in films. Also violence today is very common and if young children and teenagers see that violence is acceptable in films then it will be fine in society. Films influence people a lot and violence cannot be promoted as acceptable.

Graphic representation and reaction are censored in film as the graphic images and scene can be very disturbing for anyone who is watch a film. This is censored a this will influence and corrupt the younger generation to do what they have seen ion the film.

Sexual content and nudity are censored in films this is because these scenes can mentally disturbed a young person and if the is any sexual assault scenes then this could influence the young children or young adults to carry out such activities.

Religion is censored this is censored as a film should not insult religion and a film will be censored if religious beliefs are insulted.

  • Language is also censored. Film that has a lot of strong language in the film is censored to be made more appropriate.
  • Drug abuse is censored as this could give young adult the impression that drugs is acceptable in society.

Banned and cut:

When a film is banned the film is taken away from the cinema it is taken completely away from the audiences viewing as it is indecent, harmful or very offensive material.

Cut is when a film is edited or has scenes taken out of it to make it appropriate for the viewing of the films target audience.

Forna and Komode:

Forna argued that there should be censorship in films. Forna says that there should be censorship as it will protect the audience and especially the young from being corrupt from what they see.

Also to protect the audience from being influenced as the audience may think that what they have seen in the film is acceptable and carry out copy cat offenses.

Also to protect again the audience from racist views and to stop films from promoting crime, violence and racism.

Lastly audience can be manipulated in real life and film world into thinking it is acceptable.

Komode say that films should not be censored. This is because komode says that people should know the difference between right and wrong and it is up to them to chose what they watch.

Also people should be able to watch what they want as it is against human rights. It prevents people from having the freedom in watching what they want.

The audience should be able to distinguish between fiction and non fiction. Also everyone has their own response to things in films.


I have learnt that the BBFC does a lot to protect the audience from anything that will disturb the audience. In my thriller i will not use anything inappropriate in my thriller which will upset and disturb my target audience.
I think that censorship is very important in the filming industry as it prevents many people from being effected by films that are released and it also prevents producers and directors from releasing whatever they wish. Also to ensure that our group does not have inappropriate scenes in our thriller we will film our thriller first and then we will decide the age rating to ensure it is for the right age certificate.

Reasearch (Narrative themes and plots)

Narrative themes and plots

Themes are what creates emotions and engage the with the audience in a film. The themes are the elements that allow the audience to create an understanding of what the film is about and the meaning of the film. With the theme the film can play with the audiences emotions as the theme can interact with the audience emotionally. The theme can create sympathy for the character and the theme can make the audience feel sympathy for the character. Themes are very important in films as this is the backbone of a film. if the there was no themes in a film then the film would not be important to the audience as the audience cannot form an understanding of the film and the film would not be able to interact with the audience as a good and effective film is a film that can communicate with the audience and have the audience interested from the beginning.
Themes dependent on the genre:

Themes are dependent on the genre of the film this is because if the genre is a thriller then the themes in the film cannot be romance. Romance cannot be a them in a thriller as there is nothing romantic in thrillers it would not make sense for the film and towards the audience. However a suitable theme in a thriller would be death. There is a lot of deaths in thrillers and this is understandable and reasonable to the audience.
Common themes in thrillers:
Death is a very common theme in thrillers. Also with death being a common theme in thrillers the  reason why there are deaths in thriller is due to revenge. Revenge and death are very common as revenge is the reason why there is death in thrillers.

This is an example of death in scream there are a lot of death due to an individuals grudge. The antagonist wanted to get revenge to satisfy himself.

Obsession is another common theme in thrillers. Obsession a very sinister theme which chiles the audience as the audience see the level that the antagonist will go to make the victims life a hassle.

The impacts that deaths have on the audience is that the audience are deeply upset and they are devastated about the character that has died. With each death the audience are left feeling anxious and worried in who will be the next victim. Also deaths impact the audience as the audience are horrified and chilled in the deaths that have taken place and the way that the victim has meet their death.

The impact of revenge on the audience is that the audience are chilled by the lengths that the antagonist will go to to fulfill his revenge. The audience are chilled by this as the audience can relate to revenge in real life as the audience could have had previous experience of revenge or heard of a case similar in the film. Also revenge has a big impact on the audience as today there are a lot of cases of revenge and obsession. This obsession and revenge theme shows the audience what the extremes of these themes can be for the victim and what affect it can have on the victims life.


The Themes that i will use in my thrillers are death this is a definite theme that i will use because with a death in a thriller this will chile the audience and really scary the audience which is my objective. Also i will have the theme of obsession which will will chile the audience as the audience can be manipulated by an obsession theme.

Reasearch Narrative Theory

Narrative Theory

A narrative is a brief storyline/plot of film. The narrative is a brief description or a sense of what to expect from the film. The narrative is very important because if there was no narrative for a film the audience will be very confused and there will be no understanding of the film. Also if a film does not have a narrative then the film will not hook the audience and the film would not be a success.

Meaning and Text:

There are four elements that allow the audience to understand and interpret meaning from the text from the film.

One of the meaning of text that the audience can interpret is connotation and denotation. Connotation is the primary meaning, For example the connotation of a knife is that the audience when they see the knife they can connote that the knife is a murderous weapon. The denotation is the meaning of the primary meaning. This is what plays with the audiences emotions for example the knives connotation is that it is dangerous and it is a murder weapon however the denotation of the knife is that the knife is a  sharp object which can cause harm. The denotation makes the audience fear for what is about to happen. Also the denotation allows the audience to make their own meaning and interpretation of the weapon. The connotation and denotation allow the audience to read between the line and make their own interpretation.

Characters is another way that the audience and get meaning from the text. The characters in the film allow the audience to understand and the characters in the film allows the audience to imply what will happen in the film.


Equilibrium (Start), Disequilibrium (Middle) and ending. this is the structure that the audience is used to watching and the audience can identify the structure very quickly and instantly in film when they watch it. However if this structure is disrupted in the film then the audience will not understand what is happening in the film as they audience will be confused. This is the one thing that should not happen and that is to confuse the audience if the audience are confused then they will not understand the narrative and the film will not be a success.


The genre is a key source which helps the audience understand what is about to happen in the film or what will happen in the film. The genre is a key indicator to what the film is about and it helps the audience understand what will happen in film For example if the genre of a film is horror then the audience can understand fro m the genre that there will be a murder or an antagonist and someone will get killed a victim. With the audience having a brief understanding of the film from the genre before watching the film the audience will understand what will happen in the film and why it has occurred.


Propp looked at fairy tales/folk tales and he has broken the tale up into sections which made it much clearer to the audience.. The sections allowed the tales to be uncovered in sequence and in order for the audience to understand clearly. Propp mainly looked at folk tales. He believed that folk tales were about the same basic struggles therefore had the same characters. The characters have a narrative function and they provide a structure for the text.


This is when something happens donor tells the hero what has happened.The hero plans action against the villain. Disaster happens.


The Hero reacts to the donor and sets off on the quest.


The villain has to be overcome.


The hero arrives home and is not recognized.  Comes back as the hero but is not recognized and is losing respect and credibility.


The hero gets the recognition and the respect and credibility triple three. The false hero or villain is undiscovered.

What were Props characters

The Hero- This is a character that seeks for better things/outcomes.

 The Villain- Someone who opposes or actively blocks the Hero's quest.


The Donor- This is the character that provides an object or magical properties to the Hero or to any other characters the film.

The Dispatcher- This is the person that sends the Hero on his quest by giving the Hero a message.

The False Hero- This is the character that disrupts the Hero's success by making false accusations.

The Helper- This is the character that aids the Hero.

The Princess- The princess acts as the reward fro the Hero and is a major part of the villains plot.

Princess Father- This is the Character that acts to reward the Hero for his efforts.

Propps theory does apply to thrillers as the characters that propps theory shows are very similar to those in thrillers.

Firstly the hero in propps theory is the protagonist in the thrillers as the protagonist in thrillers are always there to solve the crime murder or to chase down the antagonist in the thriller.Also the protagonist can also have a helper who assists them in their quest to find and chase the antagonist down.

The villain in the propps theory is the antagonist in thriller as the antagonist is behind all the bad in the thriller.

The princess in the propps theory is the female victim in thrillers as the female victim is always the center of attention.


Todorov is a theorist that said that in films there are three stages.Equilibrium the characters appear stable at the beginning. This is where all the characters are introduced and the audience get familiar with the characters. Disequilibrium Something disrupting happens and a change occurs which needs to be resolved. New equilibrium usually disruption is sorted and the narrative is closed.

Equilibrium this is where the characters appear to be stable and this is usually at the beginning.

Disequilibrium is when something disrupting occurs in the film and with this disruption a change needs to occur in order for the disruption to be resolved.

New equilibrium is when the disruption is stated and the narrative is closed.

Todorov detailed theory is that there is a Equilibrium, disruption, resolution, restored order and new equilibrium.

Equilibrium this is where the characters are introduced and the characters are stable.

Disruption is caused by an event.

Resolution is when the disruption is recognised and the disorder has occurred.

Restorer order  this is when there is an attempt to repair and overcome the disruption.

New equilibrium this is when order is restored and there is a new form of order.

Todorovs theory does applies in thrillers as in thrillers firstly the audience are introduced to the characters and an opening shows all these elements. Then there is a disruption where someone is murdered or another type of disruption which brings the audience to a shock. Then there is some sort of resolution where the antagonist is hunted down or all the characters in the thriller are aware of the antagonist and the audience as well. The thriller may show that the antagonist is caught and order has been restored or the antagonist may have turned a corner and stopped their attacks in thrillers there could be many different ways that the restoration of order is shown. A new equilibrium in thrillers are shown at the end as it shows the characters moving on after the antagonist is gone, killed or arrested away from the people lives.


Aristotle is a theorist that said that a film or a play should have clear structure that the audience can relate to and understand clearly what is happening in the film. Aristotle said that there should be a start, middle and end in each film with this structure links can be made easily and the structure of the film is clear and not disrupted.

The importance of a plot. Having a beginning, middle and an end. The events must casually relate to one another as being either necessary or probable.

It is important to arouse emotions from the audience and this is mainly with in tragedy fear and emotion.

This is Aristotle's diagram:

Exposition the audience gets to know the main characters. 

Rising Action Protagonist understands his or hers goal and begins to work towards it. 

Climax the turning point of the story. Where the main character makes the decision that defines the outcome of the story.

Falling action greatest overall tension the phase in which everything goes mostly wrong

Denouement The resolution all mystery is solved.

Aristotle's theory is  used in thriller as the audience are exposed to the character at first when the audience gets to see all the characters in the thriller. Then there is rising action as the antagonist is introduced in him plotting his evil and sinister actions. Then there is the climax where the antagonist carries out his attacks which shocks the audience and the protagonist trying their best to find the antagonist. In thrillers the falling action is when most of the attacks take place and the audience are really chilled. Lastly in thrillers the mystery is not solved but the audience do find out who the antagonist was and how they went about committing the crimes but in the narrative the antagonist is not always caught or brought top justice.


Barthes theory is that there is a :

Narrative that can be defined by using the five following things.

Action which is understanding and the solution is understood by the action seen.

Enigma this is when the audience is teased by presenting a puzzle or a riddle that needs to be solved.

Symble this is a connotation.

Semic this is a denotation.

Cultural understanding the events which can be recognized as being part of a culture.

Thrillers mostly take the propp structure. This is because in thrillers the characters are introduced to the audience at first. Also at the start of every thrillers there is a complication where someone has been murdered. This leads to a struggle in finding out who is the killer. At the end there is the recognition where the audience find out who the killer was.

 In this thriller opening the theories that are present in the thriller opening are mixed between Todorovs and Aristotle theory. As at the beginning there is an equilibrium where all the characters are exposed to the audience and their intentions to rob the bank are made clear. Then there is a disruption where they go into the bank and terrorise the workers in the bank. This part is the rising action as the audience fear for the people in the bank. Then there is an attempt of a restoration of order as the bank manager tries to fight the robbers off but he is later shot which then shows Aristotle theory of falling action as everything is going wrong. Then at the end of the scene there is a new equilibrium as the identities of the antagonist is still hidden but then a bus is driven into the bank leaving the audience in a new beginning.


I will use a mix of narrative theories in my thriller. I would like to use Props theory as i would like the audience to get to know the characters in my thriller. Also use Todorov theory as i will want to use a clear structure that will not confuse the audience and the structure will be Equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Reasearch (Thriller)


Genre: A genre is the category that a film falls into. There are many film genres and it is important to know what a genre is. This is because the audience looks at the genre when a film is release. This is the most important selling point for the film, the genre is what engages the target audience and also it is what makes the film a success. The audience need to know what the genre of the film is because then they can watch their preferred genre and enjoy the film. In addition the film genre gives the audience an idea, a feel of what the narrative of the film will be.

Examples of genres:

Horror- A horror film/genre gives the audiences a very frightening experience. It is deliberately scary for the audience. Horror genres archive this frightening experience fro the audience by creating tension, suspense, violence and sudden shock.

Action- An action film/genre It is usually a very interesting film to watch as the audience love the fighting scenes that the protagonist takes part and and the explosions, desperate situations and usually there is a happy ending in action films.

Adventure- An adventure film/genre is mainly aimed at a younger audience from the age of 5 and above. Adventure films are set in exotic location and they include many things that many not exist in reality. Lastly in an adventure there is always a happy ending.

Thriller: What is a Thriller

The coursework is about a thriller film and how the thriller film makes the audience feel also what response a thriller gets from the audience.

A thriller is a very exciting genre for the audience. The main elements in a thriller genre is suspense, tension, excitement and sudden frightening scenes. A thriller is a stimulus for the audience as it gives the audience a high level of anticipation. There is a lot of dramatic irony as the audience think they know what is about to happen but it is changed and the audience wait for the next shock. There is a lot of uncertainty, surprise, fear and anxiety. Thriller provide a massive adrenaline rush for the audience and the audience are aloud to recover from the first shock but then there are many more in the thriller narrative. Lastly a thriller is very slow paced which makes it very dramatic and there are many pauses which gives the audience a chilling experience.

Examples of Thrillers:

Black Swan is an example of an Thriller.

Black swan is an example of phycological thriller is is one of the sub genres in thrillers, this because the main chrecter who is a ballerina who wins the lead roll in swan lake however she slowly lose her mind and she slow becomes more and more like the black swan. Black swwan is a thriller because it has the common convention in the film as black swan has alot of close up scense in the film also there are alot of dark location in the film which shows a sense of isolation.

The narrative of black swan is that a ballerina who is perfect for the role takes the lead role for swan lake as the black swan. She does everything to get the role and to perfect the role. Slowly without her realising she loses her mind over the role and she slowly turns into the black swan.

Taken film poster.jpg

Taken is another example of a thriller.

Taken is a action thriller. Taken has many common themes in the film which all thriller have the themes are death, friendship, vengence and abduction. What makes taken a thrille

A retired CIA agent travels across Europe and relies on his old skills to save his estranged daughter, who has been kidnapped while on a trip to Paris

Sub Genres of thrillers:

As for all genres they are very broad genres. Thriller is a very broad genre and it has alot of sub genres. The following sub genres are:

Physiological thrillers- Physiological thrillers are very scary as they show unstable characters with unstable emotions.

Image of The Machinist

The Mechinist is an example of a physiological thriller as the character is very unusual and the character has very unstable emotion. This leads to him questioning his own sanity.

Image of The Silence of the Lambs
The siclence of the lambs is another example of a physiological thriller as a young FBI cadet must confide and win the trust of a serial killer to catch another serial killer who skins his victims. This is a very unusual way of killing people and it is very disturbing this is what makes it a physiological thriller.

Crime thriller-Crime thrillers include a lot of crime or crimes committed which makes it a crime thriller. This genre focuses on the antagonist and it is very graphic as they commit muders, there are serial killers and many other nasty crimes.

Image of The Bourne Identity

The Bourne Identity is an example of a crime thriller as a man is a government assassin who kills people ruthlessly without second thoughts. He is very dangerous and skilled. This is crime thriller as it only focuses on the antagonist.

Image of The Bourne Supremacy

The Bourne supremacy is another example of of a crime thriller as a man is forced to go back to his old job which is to be an cold blooded assassin.

There are many other thriller sub genres: they are the following

Religious thrillers this mainly involves religious objects and religious institutions such as a church. Action involves many elements such as suspense, tension and excitement. Also Mystery thrillers, Sci-Fi, Gangster and lastly Erotic thrillers which focuses on eroticism and sexual relationships.

Common themes

A theme is the story lines and the subjects that are present in the film.

The common themes that are in thriller films are death, friendship, vengeance, abduction and love.

Taken is an example of a thriller with common themes. Taken has the following themes death where the father(protagonist) kills the all the antagonists who have abducted his daughter. Also there is a strong element of revenge.

Final destination has very common themes in the film the themes are deaths where all the characters eventually meet there death. Also there are friendship and love involved.

Common conventions in thrillers

There are many common conventions in thriller and every thriller films consist in these conventions.

There is a protagonist who is the good character and the film mostly revolves round the main charterer.

This is an example of the common convention as batman is the main protagonist who fights all the antagonists.

When there is a protagonist there is always an antagonist. There always has to an antagonist in a thriller otherwise it would not be a thriller.

This is an example of a typical antagonist as the antagonist is scary. The antagonist is slim and has a black outfit with a facial defect this usual has a story to it and this is used to scar the audience.

Most thriller are set in the dark which shows isolation and it set the scene. With dark locations it also makes it allot scarier than in daylight.

This is an example of a typical convention in thrillers as there is always a dark location.

The other common convention in thrillers are:

The deaths are very gruesome and graphic.
Thriller are adult audience which is from the age of (15-18).
There are many hidden motives.
Lastly thrillers are not set in places that the audience feel very safe in for example now the thrillers are based in houses where most people feel safe but after the thrillers people will feel a little scared in their houses.

How do thrillers make the audience feel?

Thriller is a genre that generally excites the audience and also puts fear into the audience. Also when the audience acknowledge that the film is a thriller the audience is instantly hooked and they dare to watch the latest thriller.Thrillers are are a great test of the audiences fear factor. Thrillers create a chilling response from the audience after the sudden shocks that the thriller provides.Thrillers typically makes the audience fear the antagonist by allowing the to take up most of the screen time which is really thrilling.There is also dramatic irony where the audience is made to fear for the protagonist. There is a lot of suspense and tension created to eat away at the audience this makes the audience nervous and frightened of what will happen next.With the dark locations it makes the audience feel very isolated scared as the audience gets lost in the dark locations. When the thriller is over the audience is left craving for more this is because of the chilling sensations that the audience felt. adrenaline rush,fear, suspense and tension they felt.


This has helped my understanding of thrillers as now I know what the definition of a thriller and that thriller genre is a very broad genre as it has many sub genres.

I have learnt all the different convention that a thriller film can have and I have learnt how to indentify the conventions.

Also I have a better understanding of how thrillers make the audience feel and why thrillers make the audience the feel in a certain way.