Saturday 26 October 2013

Reasearch (Censorship)


The BBFC is the British board of film classification. The BBFC is a trusted media content which works independently to regulate and anaylise films if they are suitable for release to the audience in Britain under the correct age group or genre. The BBFC's role is to make sure that there is no film that is released for the people to watch that is dorrogative, promoting racial hatred and violence in society. The BBFC  has a role to protect the audience from films that will have a negative impact on society.

The BBFC's role is very simple and clear as the BBFC aim is to:
  • Protect the target audience and also the main target audience that the BBFC want to protect is the children. The BBFC want to protect the children as they don't want any content in film to harm the children and emotionally scare the audience which may affect children.
  • The BBFC wants to educate the parents and guardians of the children out there that like to watch film the parents should be educated in what they should allow their children to watch.
  • The BBFC wants to respond and adapt to the changing society and to gain a better understanding of the films that the audience want to watch today.
  • The BBFC wants to work well with the film industry in releasing film for the audience.

  • Lastly the BBFC wants to regulate films for the benefit of the target audience and they also keep in mind that they still want the audience to have a good experience in watching films and they want the audience to have a good range of films for them to watch.

The BBFC is important to the film industry as the BBFC tells the film producer what they need to edit for their film to be appropriate. This helps the film industry as the film producer will know what the audience expect and with the advice they will know if the film will be appealing to the audience. Also the BBFC show the film industry that they are the figure that the film producers need to go through in order to release of film and the film industry have a limit they cannot produce any film and release it there is a limit and the BBFC are there to enforce that limit.

What gets censored in films:

Violence is a very common topic which is censored in films. Violence is censored in films as the BBFC and many people do not like too much violence in films. Also violence today is very common and if young children and teenagers see that violence is acceptable in films then it will be fine in society. Films influence people a lot and violence cannot be promoted as acceptable.

Graphic representation and reaction are censored in film as the graphic images and scene can be very disturbing for anyone who is watch a film. This is censored a this will influence and corrupt the younger generation to do what they have seen ion the film.

Sexual content and nudity are censored in films this is because these scenes can mentally disturbed a young person and if the is any sexual assault scenes then this could influence the young children or young adults to carry out such activities.

Religion is censored this is censored as a film should not insult religion and a film will be censored if religious beliefs are insulted.

  • Language is also censored. Film that has a lot of strong language in the film is censored to be made more appropriate.
  • Drug abuse is censored as this could give young adult the impression that drugs is acceptable in society.

Banned and cut:

When a film is banned the film is taken away from the cinema it is taken completely away from the audiences viewing as it is indecent, harmful or very offensive material.

Cut is when a film is edited or has scenes taken out of it to make it appropriate for the viewing of the films target audience.

Forna and Komode:

Forna argued that there should be censorship in films. Forna says that there should be censorship as it will protect the audience and especially the young from being corrupt from what they see.

Also to protect the audience from being influenced as the audience may think that what they have seen in the film is acceptable and carry out copy cat offenses.

Also to protect again the audience from racist views and to stop films from promoting crime, violence and racism.

Lastly audience can be manipulated in real life and film world into thinking it is acceptable.

Komode say that films should not be censored. This is because komode says that people should know the difference between right and wrong and it is up to them to chose what they watch.

Also people should be able to watch what they want as it is against human rights. It prevents people from having the freedom in watching what they want.

The audience should be able to distinguish between fiction and non fiction. Also everyone has their own response to things in films.


I have learnt that the BBFC does a lot to protect the audience from anything that will disturb the audience. In my thriller i will not use anything inappropriate in my thriller which will upset and disturb my target audience.
I think that censorship is very important in the filming industry as it prevents many people from being effected by films that are released and it also prevents producers and directors from releasing whatever they wish. Also to ensure that our group does not have inappropriate scenes in our thriller we will film our thriller first and then we will decide the age rating to ensure it is for the right age certificate.


  1. Really good, in-depth information on the BBFC and their role within the film industry. Good to see that you have identified some elements that get censored, although there are more so look into and bullet point these plese.

    To further imrpove;
    -your opinion on censorship
    -in your conclusion, can you guarantee you will not include anything inappropiate within your thriller, or will you judge this by the age cetificate you give your thriller, as likely because you are making a thriller, some scenes may upset younger viewers.

  2. Miss i have added my view on censorship in my conclusion and how we will judge the age certificate of our thriller

  3. Good, well justified on your reason for what and when you will provide a certificate for your thriller. Your opinion on censorship is also good.
