Saturday 26 October 2013

Reasearch Narrative Theory

Narrative Theory

A narrative is a brief storyline/plot of film. The narrative is a brief description or a sense of what to expect from the film. The narrative is very important because if there was no narrative for a film the audience will be very confused and there will be no understanding of the film. Also if a film does not have a narrative then the film will not hook the audience and the film would not be a success.

Meaning and Text:

There are four elements that allow the audience to understand and interpret meaning from the text from the film.

One of the meaning of text that the audience can interpret is connotation and denotation. Connotation is the primary meaning, For example the connotation of a knife is that the audience when they see the knife they can connote that the knife is a murderous weapon. The denotation is the meaning of the primary meaning. This is what plays with the audiences emotions for example the knives connotation is that it is dangerous and it is a murder weapon however the denotation of the knife is that the knife is a  sharp object which can cause harm. The denotation makes the audience fear for what is about to happen. Also the denotation allows the audience to make their own meaning and interpretation of the weapon. The connotation and denotation allow the audience to read between the line and make their own interpretation.

Characters is another way that the audience and get meaning from the text. The characters in the film allow the audience to understand and the characters in the film allows the audience to imply what will happen in the film.


Equilibrium (Start), Disequilibrium (Middle) and ending. this is the structure that the audience is used to watching and the audience can identify the structure very quickly and instantly in film when they watch it. However if this structure is disrupted in the film then the audience will not understand what is happening in the film as they audience will be confused. This is the one thing that should not happen and that is to confuse the audience if the audience are confused then they will not understand the narrative and the film will not be a success.


The genre is a key source which helps the audience understand what is about to happen in the film or what will happen in the film. The genre is a key indicator to what the film is about and it helps the audience understand what will happen in film For example if the genre of a film is horror then the audience can understand fro m the genre that there will be a murder or an antagonist and someone will get killed a victim. With the audience having a brief understanding of the film from the genre before watching the film the audience will understand what will happen in the film and why it has occurred.


Propp looked at fairy tales/folk tales and he has broken the tale up into sections which made it much clearer to the audience.. The sections allowed the tales to be uncovered in sequence and in order for the audience to understand clearly. Propp mainly looked at folk tales. He believed that folk tales were about the same basic struggles therefore had the same characters. The characters have a narrative function and they provide a structure for the text.


This is when something happens donor tells the hero what has happened.The hero plans action against the villain. Disaster happens.


The Hero reacts to the donor and sets off on the quest.


The villain has to be overcome.


The hero arrives home and is not recognized.  Comes back as the hero but is not recognized and is losing respect and credibility.


The hero gets the recognition and the respect and credibility triple three. The false hero or villain is undiscovered.

What were Props characters

The Hero- This is a character that seeks for better things/outcomes.

 The Villain- Someone who opposes or actively blocks the Hero's quest.


The Donor- This is the character that provides an object or magical properties to the Hero or to any other characters the film.

The Dispatcher- This is the person that sends the Hero on his quest by giving the Hero a message.

The False Hero- This is the character that disrupts the Hero's success by making false accusations.

The Helper- This is the character that aids the Hero.

The Princess- The princess acts as the reward fro the Hero and is a major part of the villains plot.

Princess Father- This is the Character that acts to reward the Hero for his efforts.

Propps theory does apply to thrillers as the characters that propps theory shows are very similar to those in thrillers.

Firstly the hero in propps theory is the protagonist in the thrillers as the protagonist in thrillers are always there to solve the crime murder or to chase down the antagonist in the thriller.Also the protagonist can also have a helper who assists them in their quest to find and chase the antagonist down.

The villain in the propps theory is the antagonist in thriller as the antagonist is behind all the bad in the thriller.

The princess in the propps theory is the female victim in thrillers as the female victim is always the center of attention.


Todorov is a theorist that said that in films there are three stages.Equilibrium the characters appear stable at the beginning. This is where all the characters are introduced and the audience get familiar with the characters. Disequilibrium Something disrupting happens and a change occurs which needs to be resolved. New equilibrium usually disruption is sorted and the narrative is closed.

Equilibrium this is where the characters appear to be stable and this is usually at the beginning.

Disequilibrium is when something disrupting occurs in the film and with this disruption a change needs to occur in order for the disruption to be resolved.

New equilibrium is when the disruption is stated and the narrative is closed.

Todorov detailed theory is that there is a Equilibrium, disruption, resolution, restored order and new equilibrium.

Equilibrium this is where the characters are introduced and the characters are stable.

Disruption is caused by an event.

Resolution is when the disruption is recognised and the disorder has occurred.

Restorer order  this is when there is an attempt to repair and overcome the disruption.

New equilibrium this is when order is restored and there is a new form of order.

Todorovs theory does applies in thrillers as in thrillers firstly the audience are introduced to the characters and an opening shows all these elements. Then there is a disruption where someone is murdered or another type of disruption which brings the audience to a shock. Then there is some sort of resolution where the antagonist is hunted down or all the characters in the thriller are aware of the antagonist and the audience as well. The thriller may show that the antagonist is caught and order has been restored or the antagonist may have turned a corner and stopped their attacks in thrillers there could be many different ways that the restoration of order is shown. A new equilibrium in thrillers are shown at the end as it shows the characters moving on after the antagonist is gone, killed or arrested away from the people lives.


Aristotle is a theorist that said that a film or a play should have clear structure that the audience can relate to and understand clearly what is happening in the film. Aristotle said that there should be a start, middle and end in each film with this structure links can be made easily and the structure of the film is clear and not disrupted.

The importance of a plot. Having a beginning, middle and an end. The events must casually relate to one another as being either necessary or probable.

It is important to arouse emotions from the audience and this is mainly with in tragedy fear and emotion.

This is Aristotle's diagram:

Exposition the audience gets to know the main characters. 

Rising Action Protagonist understands his or hers goal and begins to work towards it. 

Climax the turning point of the story. Where the main character makes the decision that defines the outcome of the story.

Falling action greatest overall tension the phase in which everything goes mostly wrong

Denouement The resolution all mystery is solved.

Aristotle's theory is  used in thriller as the audience are exposed to the character at first when the audience gets to see all the characters in the thriller. Then there is rising action as the antagonist is introduced in him plotting his evil and sinister actions. Then there is the climax where the antagonist carries out his attacks which shocks the audience and the protagonist trying their best to find the antagonist. In thrillers the falling action is when most of the attacks take place and the audience are really chilled. Lastly in thrillers the mystery is not solved but the audience do find out who the antagonist was and how they went about committing the crimes but in the narrative the antagonist is not always caught or brought top justice.


Barthes theory is that there is a :

Narrative that can be defined by using the five following things.

Action which is understanding and the solution is understood by the action seen.

Enigma this is when the audience is teased by presenting a puzzle or a riddle that needs to be solved.

Symble this is a connotation.

Semic this is a denotation.

Cultural understanding the events which can be recognized as being part of a culture.

Thrillers mostly take the propp structure. This is because in thrillers the characters are introduced to the audience at first. Also at the start of every thrillers there is a complication where someone has been murdered. This leads to a struggle in finding out who is the killer. At the end there is the recognition where the audience find out who the killer was.

 In this thriller opening the theories that are present in the thriller opening are mixed between Todorovs and Aristotle theory. As at the beginning there is an equilibrium where all the characters are exposed to the audience and their intentions to rob the bank are made clear. Then there is a disruption where they go into the bank and terrorise the workers in the bank. This part is the rising action as the audience fear for the people in the bank. Then there is an attempt of a restoration of order as the bank manager tries to fight the robbers off but he is later shot which then shows Aristotle theory of falling action as everything is going wrong. Then at the end of the scene there is a new equilibrium as the identities of the antagonist is still hidden but then a bus is driven into the bank leaving the audience in a new beginning.


I will use a mix of narrative theories in my thriller. I would like to use Props theory as i would like the audience to get to know the characters in my thriller. Also use Todorov theory as i will want to use a clear structure that will not confuse the audience and the structure will be Equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium.


  1. -make sure you understand the difference between connotation and denotations. Connotation is the assumptions that are made, denotation is what it actually is. For example, the connotation of a knife is a murderous weapon, the denotation is a sharp object
    -can you apply Propp's theory of characters to Thriller characters?
    -Todorov: check for spelling and grammar. Can you use a diagram to illustrate this?
    -With all the theories, you need to demonstarte your understanding by relating them to thrillers
    -can you analyse a scene at the end and see how many of the theories apply to the scene or which one is most prominant?
    -which theory do you believe most applies to thrillers?

  2. I can see changes have been made here. You discuss the protagonist, antagonist and female victim in comparison to Propp's characters. A good scene has been analysed and applied to theory and you state which theory you will be be using, well done.
