Saturday 19 October 2013

Reasearch Mise En Scene (Lighting and Colours)

Mise En Scene (Lighting and colours)

Lighting helps to convey the mood and the atmosphere in a scene/film. It can also guide the audiences attention to a particular object , person or emotion and gestures in the scene. Lightning can also be used to cast shadow and build tension and suspense. The lightening is very important in Thriller as they can create tension and suspense with in the audience. Also colours are used in Thrillers the colour is the filter that is used in the scene there could be a black filter on the screen when the antagonist is approaching the victim the colour sets the mood and the tone of the scene. The colour of scene is important in thrillers as the colour in the scene gives the scene importance.

There are many types of lightening and these are the following:

Under Lighting- This is when the light comes from the person. This tends to have a distorting effect on the character.
This example of under lightening shows that the light source is coming from under the character. With the light coming from below it distorting effect on the character as some facial feature cannot be seen clearly especially the top part of the characters face. This under lighting can be used to introduced a character gradually as the under lighting has a distorting effect therefore in a thriller the character can be gradually brought with this lightening which keep the audience guessing who it is and it will keep the audience anxious and curious.

Top lighting- Lighting comes from above, highlighting the key features of the character this often creates a glamorous look in a character.
This is an example of top lighting the light source is coming from above. With this top lighting it highlights that the character is a vampire and if the audience did not know that then they could work it out from the picture. The picture highlights the key features which are are her red long nails and blood dripping from her lips and her long brown hair. The top lighting makes the character look very glamorous as the picture shows the vampire looks very glamorous but the audience have seen vampire that do not look very good the top lighting changes the way some characters look and it changes the audiences perception of the character.

Bad lighting- the light source is behind the person, little or no light is used wit this being done silhouettes are created.
This is an example of bad lighting as the light source is coming from behind both of the characters. With the bad lighting silhouettes are created, this is very conventional to thriller as the bad lighting can be used in thriller to build suspense and tension as the audience will not know who is there as there will only be silhouettes. This can also be used to create a sense of mystery behind a character in thriller for example the killer bad lighting can be used to keep the identity hidden and the audience will only be able to see a silhouette which will leave the audience anxious and curious into who the killer is.

Low key- The lighting is dark with a small areas of the light which also creates shadows this also has a distorting effect on the object or the character.

This is an example of low key lighting. With low key lighting it is mostly dark with little light, there is only light in small areas. There is shadows created with the adequate lighting. The low key lighting also has distorting effect on the character this is great to use in thriller as it shows in the picture it is very hard to make out who is in this picture and a facial features from this picture due to the low key lighting. In thrillers this low key lighting can chill the audience as they are not sure who the character is and it leaves the audience fearing who this character.

High Key- lighting appears more natural however it is clearly brighter than natural light.

This is an example of of high key lighting, the picture looks like the natural colour however the colour is not natural the colour is brighter than natural. The high key lighting makes the character look more glamorous.

Natural lighting- When no lighting has been added it is what you would expect to see.

This is an example of natural lighting the picture shows that this is the natural colour of the character and there is no additional lighting or colour it is all natural.

Colours used in Thrillers:

Thrillers have very specific colours used in the scene and I will be analyzing the colours used and why.


This example is from Harry Potter the deathly hallows. I will be taking about the colours used in thrillers. Firstly there is always dark colours used and dark lighting used in thriller as this is evident from the Harry potter scene. The cafe is very dark and cafe are not very dark in reality however in a thriller it is dark to set the mood and the use of dark colours are deliberately used to make the audience to feel isolated and unsettled by the dark colours and settings.

In the cafe the tables are red and the floor tiles are red the colour red is very common in thrillers. The colour red is used to show the audience that Harry and his friends are never safe and the colour red indicates that there is some sort of danger awaiting them. The colour red is used in thriller to play with the audience emotions as the audience panic when they see the colour red and they fear for characters. Later on in the scene there is an attack in the cafe which will confirm the audiences fear.

Also the characters they wear dark colours their cloths are very dark coloured. With the characters having dark clothes it sets the tone for the scene.

Thrillers have dark colours which set the mood and the tone. The dark colours are used in thrillers to show the level of isolation and there has to be a dark environment to chill the audience if the colours were light and vibrant then the audience could not be scared. Also other colours are used such as red to indicate danger and death.

The Moon and the Gutter

The moon and the Gutter is the scene that i will be analysis fro the Mise En Scene micro element which is lighting and colors.

The scene starts off with the full moon and when there is a full moon bad things happen and that is how the scene starts off. The audience are left worrying straight away in what will happen. 

The scene shows a women walking through a dark ally way. When the women is walking there is under lighting used and low key lightening.. With the under lighting it is very had to make out the facial features of the victim and to see her emotions as she is walking through this dark ally way. This under lighting and low key lighting is used create suspense with in the audience as the audience cannot see whet the victim is feeling and her facial expression when she is walking through the ally way. The audience is anxious because they are trying to think why the victim is walking through the ally way in the night. The audience is fearing for the victim as she is walking through the ally way in the night.

Bad lighting is used when the victim is being followed by the antagonist. The bad lighting creates shadows and silhouettes with the bad lighting. With the shadows and bad lighting the audience are anxious to find who the antagonist is and what will happen the bad lighting is also used to distorts the audience vision as the audience can only see the shadows, the audience is kept in the dark into what is happen and who the attacker is. The audience fear what is going to happen to the audience and who the antagonist is.

The colours used in this scene is red. The red colour is used on the shop window as the victim is walking past the shop window. Also there red colour is used when the moon is shown the colours red is dissolved in like blood spreading out. The colour red is used to show that there is some sort of danger awaiting the victim and the colour red makes the audience panic and fear the worst for the victim. Also the red that blends into the moon is used to indicate death and when someone is killed the blood spreads out all over the floor this could be an indication of a murderous night.


The lighting and colour post i have learnt the different types of lighting that is used and why they are used also i have learnt the colours that are used in thrillers. I have learnt that in thriller there are mostly under lighting and bad lighting used to create suspense because of the shadows and keeping the identity of the characters hidden to give the audience an chilling response. Also the colours used in thrillers are very dark which set the mood of the scene. Also the dark colours are used to scare the audience more easily and to isolate the audience and with the dark settings the audience will get lost in the scene and their emotions can be played with more easily.

1 comment:

  1. Some good work here. You identify the different types of lighting and clours used withing thrillers, and provide two good scene analysis from thrillers and discuss the impact they have on the audience.

    To imrpove;
    -introduce angles of lighting, and types of lighting, you need to diffrentiate between the two
    -what are the three angles and what the types?
    -lighting is a feature of Mise en Scene, not a micro-element of it. Change this as you introduce 'The Moon and the Gutter'
    -what colour and type of lighting is evident when you see the moon? What feeling does this immediately create amongst the audience?
    -back light, not bad lighting
    -in your conclusion, state what types of lighting you are planning to use and why
    -check for spelling and grammar errors
