Tuesday 29 October 2013

Reasearch (Age Certificate)

Age Certificates

There are many age certificates that give a strong indication to the audience in what film they should watch and what age group is the film suitable to. However even with the age certificates in place by  the BBFC  there are still many people who chose to watch films which are not suitable to them, this is the audiences responsibility. Above the age certificates have done a very good job in ensuring that the audience do follow the age certificate and only watch the films that are suitable to the audience. The age certificates have made many parents and guardians aware of what their children should be protected from watching. The age certificates are very simple and they are easy to understand.

There are many different age groups and they are the following:

U (Universal) is a age certificate in a universal film it is possible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a universal film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. Universal films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror.

Despicable me is an example of an universal film as it is very child friendly film as there are not violence in the film and suitable for a child of four years and above.

PG which is parental guidense. This can be viewed anyone , but some scene may be unsuitable for young children. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A PG film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider weather the content may upset younger or more sensitive children.

Johnny English reborn is a PG age certificate film, as the film is suitable for young children as the film displays comedy and some mild violent scene which are suitable for young children.

A 15 content may have some controversial elements to it, but on the whole, there shouldn't be any discrimination, drugs may be touched upon, but not promoted, violence can be displayed cannot be dwell on injury and pain. There may be use of frequent bad language and nudity can be shown but only used where appropriate.

Taken 2 is a 15 age certificate as there are many violent scenes in the film and bad language is touched on.

The 12 category are awarded where the material is suitable, in general only for those aged 12 and over. Works classified at these categories may upset children under the age of 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for their children. The 12 category exist only for video works. No one younger than 12 many rent, buy or watch a 12 rated film.

Sherlock Homes is an example of a 12 age certificate film.

The 12A category exists only for cinema films. No one younger than 12 may watch a 12A film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult and films classified 12A are not recommended for a child a child below 12. An adult may take a younger child if their judgment about the film is right and they believe that the film is suitable for the infant that they will take. In such circumstances the responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view films with accompanying adult.

Spiderman 2 is a 12A age certificate film as there is mild violent scenes which will not be suitable for children under the age of 12.

At 18 the BBFC  guidelines concerns will not normally override the principles that the adults should be free to choose their own entertainment. The materials in a 18 film may touch on criminal law and display criminal offenses. There will be violent or dangerous acts also illegal drug use may be shown but should not cause harm to the public health or their morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or sexualised violence which might for example show erotic or endorse sexual assault. There also may be explicit images of sexual activity can be shown and bad language will be used in the film.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a 18 age certificate as there are many gruesome and violent scenes in the film.

Spiderman was a very controversial film and because the spider man film the age certificate 12A was introduced in 2002.

Spiderman originally had an age rating of 12 however later after further analysis from the BBFC it was seen as it was not suitable for a 12 year old to watch spiderman by themselves. The reason why the age certificate was though about again was that sipderman had excessive violent scenes in the film which can have a negative impact on children. In this short clip of sipderman it shows why sipderman's age rating had to be brought up to a 12A. It shows that violence is acceptable as Dr octopus puts many civilians lives at risk just to carry out his vendetta against spiderman. This shows the children that this level of violence is acceptable and civilians lives can be put at risk and the civilians lives are worthless as they can be used as objects when two people are fighting because they don't like what each other stands for.

The BBFC came up with the age certificate of 12A because the BBFC  knew that the children had grown up with the comical hero spiderman and the BBFC did not want to restrict or deprive the children of their hero so therefore the BBFC came up with the age certificate 12A. This allowed 12 year old and below to watch the film under adult supervision.

Thriller tend to get the age certificates 15 and 18 mostly. The reason why thrillers mostly get age certificates of 15 and 18 is that there is a lot of violence and graphic scenes. A thriller that is 15 will be a lighter thriller where there will be some bad language and nudity where appropriate. There will be violence and murder scene but the scene will not be dedicated to an attack and it will not show the slow and painful death the victim has deal with. A 18 thriller is much more detailed in its content which it shows there are violence scene which show graphic images and injuries. There are a lot of sexually motivated attacks shown and other sexual assaults. This is only suitable for 18 and over.

The age certificate that i will give my thriller is 15. My thriller i will give age rating of 15 as the thriller will not promote any discrimination, drug use or excessive violence. There will be violent scene but the violence scene and the pain and injuries will not be dwelled on for a lengthy period. My thriller will not be very explicit and i will do my best to make a traditional thriller which does not have anything that will confuse or conflict with the audience.


I have learnt that age certificates need to be followed by everyone because there are a wide range of films that the audience can enjoy within their ratings. Also i have learnt that age certificates are a good indication of what the film will be like for example if the film is a 18 then you will know that the film will have violence, graphic scenes and sexual violence. In my thriller i will give it the appropriate age certificate and i will take my time to give its rating to ensure that it is not the wrong rating which will lead to criticism.


  1. Well done, some good information here on your understanding of age certificates and the BBFC. The information on the content that is suitable for each certificate in relation to the audience is well discussed.

    To improve;
    - logo of BBFC
    -provide film examples for each age rating

  2. Miss i have added a BBFC logo and added examples of each age certificate films with a brief description of why it is the age certificate it has got

  3. Well done, a more detailed and film specific post which further shows your understanding.
