Saturday 30 November 2013

Planning Mise En Scene

Planning Mise En scene


The Lighting  that will be used the thriller is low key lighting The reason to why low key lighting will be used in the thriller as the low key lighting is essential as this type of lighting will create a sense of unease and make the audience feel uncomfortable because they low key lighting creates shadows and silhouettes which will create tension as the shadows and silhouettes can a sense of mystery to who is in the scene. Also it keeps the identity hidden of the character to deliver the chilling response to the audience.

The first setting is the dark isolated walkway that the female victim is walking down. This walkway is used in the thriller at the very beginning as this location will show the audience that the female victim is very vulnerable as she is all alone in this big walkway. The second location is in the house this location is used to give the audience a chilling response as the house is where most of the audience feel safe at home but with the location in the house this will change the audience perception in being safe at home.

The iconography that are in the thriller is a knife and blood. The knife is used as the iconography because the knife delivers a chilling response to the audience as the audience automatically know when they see a knife the audience know that a murder will take place and the audience fear that someone will get hurt or injured. Blood is another iconography that will be used as blood indicates that something has happened in the thriller and it makes the audience think what has happened.

The costume  that will be used on the antagonist is dark clothing. The dark costume is used for the antagonist as the dark costume hid the identity of the antagonist and give a very dark and isolated view about the antagonist. Also the dark costume shows a dark side to the antagonist.
The Female victims costume is is light colours and simple make up. This is used to show that he victim is very innocent as she dresses well and she is very innocent with the colours that she wears. The make up that she will be wearing will be simple to show the female victims simplicity and innocence.

The body language of the antagonist will be very bold and overpowering. This is vital for the antagonist to have a confident,bold and overpowering body language as this will chill the audience which the antagonist is supposed to do.
The female victims body language will be very innocent, small and timid. These body language are used with the female victim because the body language should make the female victim look very weak and vulnerable.

The facial expression of the antagonist will be very confident and authoritative and the facial expression on the antagonist will show that he is firmly in control.

The facial expression on the victim will be very unsure and scared as shes is being tortured and she experience a lot of emotions throughout as she is the center of the attack.

Planning Sound

Planning Sound

The sounds that we will be using in our thriller is mostly natural sound which are in the thriller.

In our thriller we will use sound tracks for specific parts to our thrillers.

There will be natural sound when the victim is walking home as this will show that the victim is walking home with the natural sound in the background. The natural sound makes the walking home more realistic as when the audience watch the victim walking home in the dark they can relate to it as they are isolated in the dark walkway with only the faint sound of cars and people. The emotions that the sound track will bring to the audience with the natural sounds is that the audience will feel very jumpy as they will think they heard something but it could just be a car driving past.

There will be a sound track used when the female victim is being attacked by the antagonist as the sound track will be used to add tension and drama to the attack. With the sound track in the attack it will chile the audience during the attack. The sound track will consist of non diegetic sounds which are not seen in the scene. These non diegetic sounds will be used to create tension and suspense in shots for example a fast pace non diegetic sound track will be played to build up tension and to keep the audience on the edge as they don't know what to expect.

Diegetic sounds will be used in our thriller where there will be dialogues exchanged between each others and there will be music where it can be seen in the scene. The diegetic sounds in the scene will have more of an impact as the sounds can be seen which will have more of an impact on the audience.

Parallel sound will be used in our thriller as the audience will expect to hear certain sound for example when the victim comes home and opens the door the audience will expect to hear the keys and the creaking of the door opening. The parallel will chill the audience as the creaking of the door sound is very chilling.

Off screen sound will also be used in the thriller. Off screen sound will be used in the thriller as this will chill the audience as they cant see where the sound is coming from the uncertainty will chill the audience.

We would like to keep most of our sounds natural as this gives our thriller a better chance to connect and chill the audience because if we can make everything very natural then the audience will connect with the thriller and with this their feelings can be manipulated to give the audience the best experience in the thriller.

Planning Editing

Planning Editing

Fast editing is used, fast editing is the best edit to be used in the attack because the fast edit builds tension and chills the audience because the audience are unsettled by the attack as the audience feel what the victims going through in the attack.

Slow edit is used. The slow edit is used when the attack takes place and the victim falls to the floor. The slow edit creates tension and suspense and makes the victims fall dramatic and the audience are in shock to see the victim fall and they are wondering what will happen next.

A fade t black edit is used. This edit is used when the audience see the antagonist close up against the victims face. This creates a lot of tension with in the audience as the audience are left on a cliffhanger to who is this antagonist and he might do.

A shot reverse shot is used to show the attack taking place and the shot reverse shot shows what each individual is doing in the fight. This adds tension and importance to the fight as the audience are checking out what the victim and the antagonist are doing in the fight. This also adds a sense of drama to the attack.

Planning Cinematography

Planning Cinematography

Close up shot is used when the victim opens her eyes. The close up shot is used to show the audience that the victim was dreaming and that it was a nightmare. After the chilling experience that the audience went through the close up shot which shows that audience that it was a nightmare the audience feel relived but at the same time the audience will feel uncertain as the audience know that there could be another surprise on the way.

An extreme close up on the glass is used. This extreme close up is sued to show the audience the reflection on the glass which will chill the audience as their suspicions about a reflection will be proved right. Also dramatic irony will take place as the audience will fear for the victim as they know that the female victim is innocent and she does not know what is lurking in the house and she does not know what is behind her. The audience are left fearing for the victim as to what will happen to the victim.

A tilt shot is used. This is used to show the audience the female victim as the tilt shot shows the victim from top to bottom. The tilt shot shows the audience the female and introduces the female victim to the audience which shows that the female victim is very innocent.

Slow motion or slow edit will be used when the female victim falls down onto the floor after the attack. This slow edit is used to build tension and suspense with i the audience as the audience stop watching the victim fall slowly down onto the floor it makes the audience feel very helpless as they see the victim falling to the ground.

A mid shot is used this is to show the figure of the antagonist who is standing at the window. This mid shot makes the antagonist look really big and intimidating and fearful towards the victim and the audience.

A mid long shot is used showing the victim. This shot is used to show the location of the where the victim is and that she is all alone in the house which makes the audience feel really insecure at home as the audience ill normally feel very safe at home but after the thriller the audience will think again.

A point of view shot is used this is used when the victim wakes up and sees the antagonist. This creates a chilling response from the audience as the audience see what the victim can which gives the audience a scene of reality as the audience see from the victims view point.

Planning Preliminary Task

Planning Preliminary Task

The preliminary task was a great eye opener for our group and it had a lot of meaning and importance as we as a group saw where our gifts lie as a group and who will take what role in the group. Also the preliminary task allowed the group to get used to the equipments that we will use fir our filming and the key skills we would need to edit and get the result that we want.

Preliminary task video:


This the video of our preliminary task which shows how we started initially filming.

We as a group had balanced the roles out and thought carefully about who would do what role after each one of team members trying the various roles. We all tried filming and editing to see who was the best at the key roles and who was good at other roles.

Ken was the best person in the group to do the editing after we a tried it ourselves.Ken had the best skills to edit for the group but he was not alone as everyone from the group had an input in what should done in the editing of the preliminary task.

Rex was the cameraman and done the filming with assistance from ken and Abdullah and Javel planned what should be said in the task and the location and the kinds of shots tat should be used. With that Rex and Ken filming with some excellent shots.

Difficulties encountered whilst filming was that there were a lot of people in the surrounding and we had to be careful where we filming in case anyone interrupted or disturbed our filming. Also another difficulty that we faced when filming was the additional sounds that we could hear when filming. Also the difficulty at first when we were filming was getting use to the equipments in how to use them and how to check whet we have filmed. Another difficulty was getting the scene and the shots right when we were filming and we also found difficult to keep the movements on the camera minimal with a variety of shots.

Difficulties encountered whilst editingwas taking the screen shots and also the main difficaulty that we found whilst editing was getting use to the software that we used which was final cut, this was very difficult because it was a completely new software to use.
Also another difficulty was making sure that the framing of the film was right.
Lastly we found difficult to edit scene and make the look good for example when we were walking thought the door it was edited and we had to make it look real and make sense when we walked out of the door a shot of us coming out of the door had to be shown before the door closed.

 These are the difficulties with the frame timings that we had to deal with as a group.

There are many skills that i have learnt from the preliminary task. Firstly the first thing that i learnt was getting use to use the equipment. using and adapting to the equipment is very important as the filming will not be possible without the equipment. Also the i have learnt how to film with a clear time limit and to film what we want as a group bring our ideas to life as it is very easy to imaging but it can be hard archiving the desired idea.


The preliminary task has been very beneficial for our group as this task allowed us as a group to see where each others skills lied and how would be the best for what role. Also the preliminary task has given our group a glimpse of what it will be like filming and editing when we as a group film and edit our thrillers. It was a great eye opener.

Planning Storyboard

Planning Storyboard

The storyboard is very important when making a film as the storyboard for a film disciplines the group because a storyboard shows everyone involved in the film a clear instruction and understanding of what will happen in the film. The storyboard also saves a lot of time because it allows us to make a clear plan and make the production of the film very efficient.  

 This is the storyboard for my thriller as it shows what will happen in each scene.There is a very easy ay to keep control of what is happening in the film as it shows the duration of the scene in the thriller.


The storyboard has helped a lot as the storyboard has taught me how to use the time that is available to the group for filming as the storyboard helps a lot for the efficiency for the production of the thriller. Also the storyboard is really important when producing a film as it keeps everyone on task and it is like a blue print for the film where if you follow it there will be minimum mistakes.

Planning Production Roles

Production Roles:


The director is the most important figure in the film as the director is the figure that will make the key decisions in the film. The director in the film will ultimately make the final decision about what will happen in the film.


The producer is the second in command the producer has lighter roles than the director as the producer will do jobs such as supervise the film and assists the director through out the making of the film.


Editing is a key role in any film production the editor is part of the creative part of the film putting the scenes together and taking out scenes that do not go to plan to produce the overall film.


Filming is the process of making the film where an individual goes round filming with a camera to produce some scenes to make a film.

Camera man:

The camera man is the chosen individual that films the scene in the film throughout the filming of the film.


The role of lighting in the film their role is to ensure that the correct lighting is used in every single scene to ensure that the desired effect is archived in each scene.


The storyboard in the film is the individual responsible for drawing and planning out what will happen in each scene of the film.

Location Manager:

The location Manager in the individual that will chose and organise the filming in the ideal location and the individual will find the location for the filming.


Sound manager is the individual that will make sure that the right sounds are used and they will work on the sound track.

Our Production roles with the Thriller:

    • Location Management
    • Director
    • Sound

    Javel was giving given the location manager role after we all found locations and chose who could find the best and relevant location. Jevel was the best person to take this role as javel was the best person for this job. Also javel has the best leadership skills and ideas for him to take the directors job. Also we decided Javel should do the sound as well as we felt that Javel was the best person do take the role of the sounds.
    • Editing
    • Filming
Ken was given the roles of editing and filming because after the whole group trying out filming Ken had the best skills and was the best person to film as he knew what shots will look and he took good shots. Also Ken was giving the editing role as he was very good at editing and he knew exactly how the editing should be.

    • Storyboard
    • Producer
Abdullah was given the role of story boarding as he was the best person to do the storyboard as he had a clear understanding of the narrative. Also he was given the role of producer as the group thought that he could assist the director the best and come up with suitable ideas.
    • Camera man
    • Lighting

      Rex was chosen for the camera man role as he was very enthusiastic for this role and he was the best person in the group to do this role. Lastly Rex was giving the role for lighting as he had a good understanding of the lighting that should be used in the thriller therefore the group chose Rex to do the lighting.


      The production roles have taught me all the different roles that people have to play to make a film and what the roles mean in the film. Lastly the production roles have made us as a group seek out our skills and find each others skills in filming and production.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Planning Opening scene Narration

Opening scene Narration

The scene starts with a dark isolated location where a shadow appears gradually. There is a high camera angle which will show the audience that the female walking alone in a large space is very vulnerable with the use of the high camera angle.There will be dark low key lighting which will give the audience a chilled response with a mid shot of the female victim walking away into the dark walk way.

Then a fade to black edit will be used as the scene progresses and an establishing shot is shown to the audience the location which is the house of the female victim, which she will enter later on in the scene. When the female victim enters the house a point of view shot will be used as the victim gets her keys out and opens the door a stares down the dark hallway. When the victim walks through the hallway and enters her room and drops down onto the bed tired there will be a zoom on to her face and a close up on the face as the victims falls asleep. The female victim wakes up and and another point of view shot is used to show that the victim is scanning the room. The a jump shot will be used when the female victim walks out of the room and them it will show the female victim walking at the landing of the stairs. The camera is on the floor level when it shows the female victim walking into the kitchen.A tilt shot is used when the victim turns on the tap a shot is shown and the water is running when the victim looks out at the garden door she sees a dark figure its unclear who it is or even if there is someone standing there the shot will a point of view shot showing the audience what the victim sees distorted vision. The glass is left on the table by the victim and on the glass the reflection of on the glass the victim is really scared and runs up stairs and whilst she is running upstairs she drops the glass and slow motion editing is used to show the glass dropping and breaking. This symbolises the peak of the action the action will burst.

The twist in the thriller is that as the female victim wakes when the glass shatters it shows the audience that the victim was in fact dreaming but now she is awake and she sees the antagonist standing on the edge of her bed. This will scare the audience as the victims suspicions in the dream that someone was there will come true. Also the element that is used in the thriller that dreams come true will scare the audience as it shows a nightmare coming true.

The antagonist identity is hidden as the antagonist will be standing in the darkest place in the room. The antagonist will also have dark costume and low camera which will be used to make the antagonist look in control and dominant.

At the end when the audience are left with the cliff hanger as they have found out that the victim was dreaming and now the antagonist standing on the edge of her bed is a reality. Also the audience are left fearing about what happened to the victim the audience will think that has the victim been killed or tortured.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Planning Final idea

Final idea

 The thriller will be called its not over:
As a group the final idea that we have come up as to use in our thriller is, there will be a female victim that will come home very tired and she will go to sleep. Then the thriller shows that the female victim is being tormented by a mysterious figure and many shots are taken to show that thew female victim is being tormented. Then the female victim drops the glass and she wakes up to see the antagonist at the edge of her bed. This is a original feature in our thriller as the audience think that the dream that the female victim is dreaming is the thriller but then when the female victim wakes up the shock is delivered to the audience when they realise that it was a dream and the antagonist is standing at the edge of the victims bed. This leaves the audience with a lot of question for example the audience will be curious in finding out what happened to the victim what the antagonist will do to the victim and the audience may even think that this is a dream again.

The Narrative structure that the opening will follow is propp and todorov. The opening will follow propp as the characters will be easy to follow and easy to establish. Also the opening will follow todorov as the narrative will have an Equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium which will be easy to follow and understand.

The characters in the opening will be a female victim and an antagonist. The female victim will be very conventional as she will be wearing light colour costumes and simple make up. The antagonist will have dark costumes and his identity will be hidden.

The film influences that we have been inspired by to create our own thriller is the thriller inception where the idea of a dream with in a dream.

Our thriller is conventional as the character that we have in our opening are a female victim and an antagonist which is what the audience want o see and that is what they expect to see. Also the location of the thriller as it is set at home where is a very common setting in thrillers as this will chill the audience as they feel the safest at home.

The themes in our thriller is love and friendship. Which then turns into obsession and muder and crime.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Planning Thriller Opening scene Initial Ideas

  Initial Ideas

Possible names/titles
  • Wrong Turn
  • Red Hill
  • Dark Hill
  • The Uninvited
  • Silent Hill
  • Come Play With Me
  • Restless
  • Train Stations (Crews Hill Station)
  • Ghost Train
  • Haunted Stations
  • Dark Hills
  • Haunted Town
  • Graveyard
  • A10 underpass (Subway)
  • Obsession
  • dolls and teddy bears
  • Children
  • Rape
Possible Narrative 
  • Teenagers go camping (Haunted place) the group get killed one by one and each station can be shown along the teenagers trip to the camp site.
Planning Initial Ideas(Ken)
Narrative: A young women moves to her new home to live on her own, one night she heard her doorbell rings, she went to open the door and see a little girl crying outside her door. She then feels sympathy and adopts the girl and she claimed that her mother was trying to kill her and doesn’t have any related family members. The little girl appears to have a tormented mind-set, she claimed to have an invisible friend and draws a lot of disturbing pictures about horrific killing and extreme violent pictures. One night, the women had a dream that flash back her memories when she was young teenager and was pregnant, she was too scared to do abortion so she gave birth to the child, chocked the child to death and left the child in the public toilet. And now her nightmares are becoming more concern as everything the child said about what her mother did to her was exactly the same thing as what she did. The child appears to be a spirit of the women’s child and came back to torture her for her horrific actions she did in her past.
Title: ‘’The Unborn’’
Sub-genre: Psychological Thriller
Characters: Evil child, female victim
Narrative structure: Aristotle & Barthes
Location: House, park, public toilet.
Iconography: Blood, Knife, Colour pencils, Papers…
Costume of characters:
Evil Child: White costume with black eyes make-up.
Female Victim: Bright colours clothing.
Lighting: Low-key lighting, background lighting, top and under lighting.
Body language of key characters:
Evil Child: small, physically weak, mysterious, and confident.
Female Victim: quite small and short, clueless, innocent, physically wear and vulnerable.
Advantages of this idea: Conventional to psychological thriller, the idea of the evil can help to manipulate the audience and create fear and also have clear narrative structure for the viewers to be understood.
Disadvantages of this idea: May not have the permissions to for the child to act as the devil character and the child might not know how to act. Might be time consuming because the child might be messing around and not taking filming seriously.


Plan idea number 2:

The narrative is of a couple that cannot conceive a child and they both look to adopt a child. The couple with their bad fortune visit a fortune teller to read their destiny and to see if they can have a child of their own on day or will they have to go ahead with their plan to adopt. The fortune teller is petrified and taken aback by the couples impending destiny. The fortune teller warns the couple that there is a black spot coming into their lives.  The couple leave unmoved by the fortune tellers advice. The couple now are more determined to adopt and they visit a children’s home and the wife sees a small child sitting in the corner all alone and they instantly feel a connection and the wife thinks this is the child they will adopt and she firmly believes show has a motherly connection with the child the husband is not so sure. The wife persists and she adopts the child with her husband very suspicious. When the child arrives in the couple’s house the dog runs away and never returns also the couple have increasing strain on the marriage after they have adopted the child. The father has an unexpected and untimely death and then the child tortures and kills the mother and the child may have done the same with the father.
Title: Restless
Sub-genre: Physiological thriller
Characters: Child (demented, demon), Female victim, Father/Husband
Narrative structure: Propp or Todarov
Location (Family House)
Iconography blood knife which is used to kill
Costume the child is made to look demented and the mother costume of a typical victim (simple clothing light colour clothing’s)
Dark lighting (Setting)
Very simple and easy characters to use child female victim

Filming or find a children’s home it can be difficvult to film in that chosen location as there will be many issues filming in a childrens home
Getting a child to play that role of a demeted and murderous child will be very hard toi ensure that the child is not affected by the role they will play later on in their lives.
Finding a fortune teller or someone that can play it well can be a possible problem as it needs to be realist and there is a time scale to find a fortune teller.


Plan ides Number 3;

Narrative: A man comes across a theatre and watches a group of ballerinas rehearsing, he then sees one particular girl who he seems to take a fascination to… he then becomes really obsessed with this ballerina. After a while of wanting her he then decides to kidnap her and keep her prisoner.

Title: Silent Audience

Sub-Genre: Psychological Thriller

Characters: Antagonist, Victim and extras

Narrative Structure: Aristotle & Barthes


Location: Millfield Theatre
Antagonist- Long Black coat
Victim- Ballet outfit
Extras- ballet or dance outfits
Lighting: Natural lighting
Advantages: this is quite conventional as it includes themes such as Love/ Obsession, Kidnapping and has a clear narrative structure.
Dis-Advantages: being allowed or gaining permission to work within the location at certain times.

Reasearch (Questionnaire results)

Questionnaire results

The results from the questionnaire was done so that the results can help me get a better and in depth knowledge of what the target audience would like to see in my thriller and also it was also a way that i could get information to see what the audience know already about Thrillers.

This is the graph that shows the results of the number of male and females that i had asked to do my questionnaire.

This is the graph which shows the age category that the people who filled out the questionnaire fell into.

This is the graph that shows the occupation of the the questionnaire participants.

This graph shows that most people know that there are common conventions in thrillers and the is very helpful to me as the audience will be able to recognise the convention that i will use in my thriller film. also it shows that the audience have an understanding about Thrillers.

This graph tells me about the factors that attract the audience to thrillers and this helps me as i know how to make the thriller appealing to the audience.

This is the graph results that tell me and show me how much the audience know about thrillers and it also indicates to me a possible sub genre that i can use in my thriller film.

The common convention in thrillers result graph again shows me what conventions i should use and the understanding that the audience have about conventions.

This graph about how often do the audience watch thrillers tells me that thrillers are popular and it also shows me that there is an interest in thrillers from the audience.

This graph gives me a good indication of who should my thriller be aimed at who should be allowed to watch thriller as the audience have given me the opinion.

This graph tells me how the audience feel when they have watched a thriller this is very helpful as i can use this information and make the audience feel in a certain way to make my thriller successful.

This graph tells me that most people who watch thrillers are scared or frightened.

This graph shows me really how scared are the audience when they watch a thriller and it gives me a guideline of how thrilling my thriller should be.

This graph tells me what the audience dislike about thrillers and i can use this to make my thriller successful as i can use the common things that the audience dislike to make my thriller a success.

This graph gives me a very clear understanding of what characters i should have starring in my thriller.

This graph tells me about what type of settings i should have for my thrillers.
From my results from my questionnaire i have looked at my results much closely and i have seen that the results show that the audience are attracted to thrillers for the suspense and i will like to incorporate this in our thriller to make the audience feel suspense.

Also the results show that the audience like action thrillers i am not sure weather the thriller will be a action thriller but it is a very good indication on what sub genre the thriller should be. Also the results have shown that we should definitely have a female victim in our and we should have an antagonist as the audience were very good at reconising these to characters.


This research has been very beneficial as i know have a better understanding of what the audience want to see in thrillers and what they like in thrillers. It is important to know what the audience want for the thriller to be a success. Lastly the research has shown me what the audience know about thrillers and that i something that i can build from to make my thriller a success.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Reasearch (Qestionnaire)

Thriller Questionnaire

The importance of a primary research such as my questionnaire is to find out what the target audience want in the thriller film that i will make. Also this primary research is important because it means that i can find out which a specific target audience want in my thriller. Also this questionnaire will give me a lot of feedback and it will give me good idea if my thriller idea can be suitable to what the audience want.

I asked people from the age of 15 and above this was because my thriller film that i will be making will be for those who are 15 and above. Also thrillers can only be viewed by people who are 15 and above. I had to ask only the target group that i was aiming my film at otherwise the questionnaire feedback would not be very helpful.

   1. What is your Gender?

   Male                      Female

   2.  What is your Age?       

   11-16          17-25      25-30      31-35             Other

  3. What is your Occupation?

Student        Employed          Unemployed         Retired       Other

  4.What age certificates do you like watching?

U              PG          15         12A           18

  5.Please state why?

  6.What attracts you to Thrillers?

Excitement          Thrill         Tension        Suspension

  7.Do you know any thrillers sub genres?

Comedy       Romantic      Action      Adventure     Other

  9.Please specify

  10.Do you think there are common conventions in thrillers?

Yes                      No       

Please list a few

  11.Which of these are common conventions?    (Pick 2 please)

Iconography (blood)     Victim        mise en scene       low key     lighting

  12.How often do you watch thrillers?

Never      Once a week       Everyday     Once a month       other

  13.Who do you think should watch Thrillers?

0-5       6-10      11-15     16-20       21-25     26-30      30+

  14. How do thrillers make you feel?

  Scared         Chilled       Shocked        Frightened        Other        

Please specify

  15. Are you scared by Thrillers?

  Yes                 No

 16. On a scale of 1-10 how scared are you? (1- Scared)  (10-Not scared)

1-3        4-6          7-8        9-10

17. What makes a Thriller entertaining?

18.What was the best Thriller you watched?  

Name of film


19.What do you dislike about Thrillers?

Graphic scenes       Violence        Death      Murder    The antagonist

20.What characters do you associate with Thrillers?

Children    Ghosts    Antagonist    Victim    Protagonist

21. What are the common costumes worn by the following characters in Thrillers?




22. What settings do you associate with Thrillers?

 Dark        Isolated        deserted         derelict     other


The research from the questionnaire has been very beneficial as the feedback that i have got from the questionnaire has helped me understand what the target audience that my thriller film will be aimed at want to see in the film. It has also helped me understand how i can make a thriller film that will be very successful with in the target audience.