Saturday 2 November 2013

Reasearch (Typography)


Typography is a way or a technique of arranging text, text design, text size and the colour of the text. Typography is the way that the text in the film is presented to the audience and if the typography is presented well and it is relevant then the audience can figure out what type of film genre the film is.

Typography and its Connotations:

This typography of a Horror thriller which is fright night connotes that this is a thriller film by the style of the film name. The style is very thriller like as the f and the t in the name look like knives. The size of the writing is big and bold as all thriller typography's are this is used to send out a strong statement this is a thriller. All the letters are block letters on this typography. The colour of the typography is red this connotes that there will be a lot of blood shed and deaths in the film.

This typography of a Action Thriller which is Haywire connotes that this is a action thriller film by the style of the film name. The style is very action like as the writing is slanted and it looks and gives the impression that the writing is going to wizz away like the action that is taking place in the film. The size of the writing is medium and bold as all action thrillers typography's are this is used to send out a strong statement this is a action thriller. All the letters are block letters on this typography this is used so the letters can stand out more to the audience. The colour of the typography is red the colour red can be related to a action thriller as this will connotes that there will be a lot of death defining action and red is also associated with danger this also connotes that there will be a lot of dangerous situation that the protagonist will have to face and the victim in the film.

This typography of a Romantic thriller the typography connotes that this is a romantic thriller film by the style of the film name. The style is very romantic as the word you is written in italics which looks romantic and connotes to the audience that this is a romantic thriller. The the way that the word you is written in italics makes the audience instantly know that this is a romantic film. Also the italic writing of the word you makes the audience feel cosy The size of the writing is average as this is romantic thriller and it would not be an appealing romantic thriller if the size of the text was big and bold like a horror thriller.The letters are different sizes and different cases as this can connote in romantic thrillers there are many ups and downs in the thriller it is not always a happy narrative through out the film. The colour of the typography is pink which connotes that this is a romantic thriller as the audience can immediately relate the colour pink to romance.

This typography of a Military film and the typography connotes that this is a film where there is military based action in the film from style of the film name. The style is very military like as the writing is bold the writing looks like an army based film writing. The size of the writing is big and bold to show that in military everything that is done is very bold and in the military everything has epic proportions. All the letters are block letters on this typography to outline that this is army based.. The colour of the typography is white as in the army white is a very common colour as it can relate to a ceasefire or stalemate which the white colour symbolises. Also the colour white also symbolises that there is a war for a great goal and that is peace and the colour white represents the peaces that they are fighting for.

In this scream opening credits there is a spooky writing which shows the audience the production company. The spooky thriller like writing sets the tone of the film for the audience as the audience can anticipate that there will be a lot of thrilling parts to the film.

Also in the opening credit for scream the background sound of a women screaming is used this puts fear in the audience as they are chilled and curious to know who was screaming and why the women screamed.

All the other textual information of the actors and the actresses are written in the same font, size and style. This font is used to indicate to the audience that the actors will be the center of the attacks. The colour of the typography is white which is very unusual as thrillers mainly have the colour red.

The connotations of the red writing in the typography in these thrillers connotes danger and blood which has the denotations of death and murder.

These are the type of writing that i will like to use in my thriller. I will like to use something with a dark background which can be used to make the audience feel uncomfortable and isolated in the dark black background. Also i will like to use text that is red and it has a rough and stretched effect. I want this type of font as it puts the fear into the audience when they see red and a font like that also it makes the audience feel that they are about to watch a film that will be very frightening and chilling.


I will use red for the colour of the text as the colour red i feel is the most relevant to thrillers and the audience are use to seeing the colour red in thrillers. Also i will use a big and bold front size as i want the typography to stand out to the audience. Also i want to use a font style that will be very thriller like and a style that will chill the audience when they see it and read it.


  1. A relaly good detailed post here where you analyse thrillers and look at the denotations as well as the connotations of the typogrpahy. Also good that you have provided some examples that you hope to use and you state why.

    To improve;
    -in your analysis of 'I met you for a reason' think about the way 'you' stands out to the audience and how that addresses them. Also, the use of the colour red can connote what...?

  2. Miss i have discussed the connotations and denotations of the typography and how the word you makes the audience feel and connotation of the colour red on the typography

  3. Well done, I can see the changes you have made and you discuss connotations now a lot better.
