Saturday 30 November 2013

Planning Preliminary Task

Planning Preliminary Task

The preliminary task was a great eye opener for our group and it had a lot of meaning and importance as we as a group saw where our gifts lie as a group and who will take what role in the group. Also the preliminary task allowed the group to get used to the equipments that we will use fir our filming and the key skills we would need to edit and get the result that we want.

Preliminary task video:


This the video of our preliminary task which shows how we started initially filming.

We as a group had balanced the roles out and thought carefully about who would do what role after each one of team members trying the various roles. We all tried filming and editing to see who was the best at the key roles and who was good at other roles.

Ken was the best person in the group to do the editing after we a tried it ourselves.Ken had the best skills to edit for the group but he was not alone as everyone from the group had an input in what should done in the editing of the preliminary task.

Rex was the cameraman and done the filming with assistance from ken and Abdullah and Javel planned what should be said in the task and the location and the kinds of shots tat should be used. With that Rex and Ken filming with some excellent shots.

Difficulties encountered whilst filming was that there were a lot of people in the surrounding and we had to be careful where we filming in case anyone interrupted or disturbed our filming. Also another difficulty that we faced when filming was the additional sounds that we could hear when filming. Also the difficulty at first when we were filming was getting use to the equipments in how to use them and how to check whet we have filmed. Another difficulty was getting the scene and the shots right when we were filming and we also found difficult to keep the movements on the camera minimal with a variety of shots.

Difficulties encountered whilst editingwas taking the screen shots and also the main difficaulty that we found whilst editing was getting use to the software that we used which was final cut, this was very difficult because it was a completely new software to use.
Also another difficulty was making sure that the framing of the film was right.
Lastly we found difficult to edit scene and make the look good for example when we were walking thought the door it was edited and we had to make it look real and make sense when we walked out of the door a shot of us coming out of the door had to be shown before the door closed.

 These are the difficulties with the frame timings that we had to deal with as a group.

There are many skills that i have learnt from the preliminary task. Firstly the first thing that i learnt was getting use to use the equipment. using and adapting to the equipment is very important as the filming will not be possible without the equipment. Also the i have learnt how to film with a clear time limit and to film what we want as a group bring our ideas to life as it is very easy to imaging but it can be hard archiving the desired idea.


The preliminary task has been very beneficial for our group as this task allowed us as a group to see where each others skills lied and how would be the best for what role. Also the preliminary task has given our group a glimpse of what it will be like filming and editing when we as a group film and edit our thrillers. It was a great eye opener.


  1. The preliminary task has clearly helped you operate a camera and identify the basic skills of filming and editing. Clear to see that you have worked well within your group in your first attempt and have shared tasks and responsibilities.
    -discuss the purpose of the task more. Think about initial roles, technical abilities and continuity editing etc.
    -how did you overcome your difficulties in filming and editing?
    -include the film/footage of the preliminary at the start of your post. Upload to Youtube and include that way or insert file from your USB.

  2. Well done for uploading the footage, but also discuss how you overcame the difficulties you encountered.
