Saturday 30 November 2013

Planning Sound

Planning Sound

The sounds that we will be using in our thriller is mostly natural sound which are in the thriller.

In our thriller we will use sound tracks for specific parts to our thrillers.

There will be natural sound when the victim is walking home as this will show that the victim is walking home with the natural sound in the background. The natural sound makes the walking home more realistic as when the audience watch the victim walking home in the dark they can relate to it as they are isolated in the dark walkway with only the faint sound of cars and people. The emotions that the sound track will bring to the audience with the natural sounds is that the audience will feel very jumpy as they will think they heard something but it could just be a car driving past.

There will be a sound track used when the female victim is being attacked by the antagonist as the sound track will be used to add tension and drama to the attack. With the sound track in the attack it will chile the audience during the attack. The sound track will consist of non diegetic sounds which are not seen in the scene. These non diegetic sounds will be used to create tension and suspense in shots for example a fast pace non diegetic sound track will be played to build up tension and to keep the audience on the edge as they don't know what to expect.

Diegetic sounds will be used in our thriller where there will be dialogues exchanged between each others and there will be music where it can be seen in the scene. The diegetic sounds in the scene will have more of an impact as the sounds can be seen which will have more of an impact on the audience.

Parallel sound will be used in our thriller as the audience will expect to hear certain sound for example when the victim comes home and opens the door the audience will expect to hear the keys and the creaking of the door opening. The parallel will chill the audience as the creaking of the door sound is very chilling.

Off screen sound will also be used in the thriller. Off screen sound will be used in the thriller as this will chill the audience as they cant see where the sound is coming from the uncertainty will chill the audience.

We would like to keep most of our sounds natural as this gives our thriller a better chance to connect and chill the audience because if we can make everything very natural then the audience will connect with the thriller and with this their feelings can be manipulated to give the audience the best experience in the thriller.


  1. Abdullah, a good attmept in planning sound, but the structure and detail is lacking here.

    To improve;
    -always relate back to the response/emotion you want to achieve from the audience
    -with the use of the soundtarck, discuss non-diegetic sound you will use in your production and when as this is the correct terminology
    -Where you mention what sound you will be using, state the correct terminology, for example diegtic, parallel etc. Natural and soundtrack are not key terms
    -need 5 examples

  2. Much better, key terminology has been used and there is now some discussion of the impact on the audience.
